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Psicologo clinico e Psicoterapeuta ad orientamento Gestaltico a Firenze

Isacco Ciofi Baffoni Psicologo Firenze
  • Dal 01/2020 al (previsto) 11/2023
    • Executive MSc in Evaluation of Health Care Interventions and Outcomes, in collaboration with NICE presso la London School of Economics
  • Dal 10/2018 al 05/2019
    • Certificato - Global Mental Health: Trauma and Recovery Program presso Harvard Medical School - Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma
  • Dal 03/2016 al 05/2016
    • Certificato - Health in Emergencies and Refugee Health presso la Copenhagen University
  •  06/2011
    •  Certificato corso di specializzazione e in conciliazione come tecnica di risoluzione dei conflitti, presso l’università degli studi di Firenze
  •  Dal 10/2008 al 12/2008
    •  Certificato di Training autogeno di base, presso la SIPT, società italiana di Psicosintesi
  • Dal 01/2008 al 01/2013
    • Abilitazione alla Psicoterapia presso l’Istituto Gestalt e bioenergetica Torino
  • Dal 09/2000 –02/2007
    •  Laurea magistrale, Psicologo Clinico e Di Comunità Università Degli Studi di Firenze


Ho avuto svariate esperienze, che mi hanno permesso di entrare in contatto con realtà differenti, che hanno contribuito a formarmi come professionista nel settore della salute mentale.
Ho iniziato lavorando nel settore delle dipendenze e doppia diagnosi per poi passare al lavoro con i minori presso il tribunale di Firenze (albo CTU e CTP) lavori che mi hanno permesso di focalizzarmi soprattutto su bambini, adolescenti e famiglie.
Successivamente, per molti anni (2013-2021) ho lavorato in gravi crisi ed emergenze, assistendo sia minori che adulti e famiglie ma con focus maggiore sulle conseguenze delle esperienze traumatiche, anche gravi e i vissuti correlati.
Queste sono solo alcune delle principali esperienze che hanno segnato la mia crescita personale e professionale.


From October 2010 to present --- Freelance - Florence Italy - ‐Psychologist, psychotherapist, advisor

I work as a clinical psychologist in my private practice, in drug rehabilitation centres (dual-diagnosis), and with refugees and asylum seekers in SPRAR (Italian Refugee and Asylum Seeker Protection System) projects. Actually, I am still working, in collaboration with local institutions as trainer (capacity building) and consultant.

From October 2021 to March 2022 --- International Committee of the Red Cross - Addis Ababa Ethiopia -­‐Psychosocial Staff Support

Direct support and follow-up of staff members identified as having been directly exposed to potentially traumatic events (individual and group); Offers direct technical guidance and clinical support, and conducts preventive actions as needed. Develop and implement a prevention and support strategy for staff (including the incoming staff). Leads a MHPSS for staff assessment and develops a sustainable MHPSS for staff action plan if possible. Support the development of an external referral network of trusted mental health professionals for staff in need of psychological and psychiatric support. Contributes to supporting good managerial practices. Develops and implement strategies and interventions to increase staff mental health awareness, and self-care strategies, and to decrease stigma associated with psychological suffering and help-seeking. Response to security incidents

From May 2019 to February 2020 --- Expertise France--- Iraq - ‐Health Coordinator

Accountable for implementing health projects in Iraq in line with the EF health strategy, and in charge of developing new health programmes in Iraq. Responsible to broaden the network of contacts among government officials, diplomatic missions, international Organizations and other partners.

Main highlights and achievements: the implementation of a university course in Psychology of Trauma in partnership with the University of Mosul

From October 2017 to May 2019 --- Un Ponte Per… (UPP) --- Erbil Iraq (KRI) - ‐Mental Health Technical Advisor

In 2019 I work as Technical Advisor for AICS, UNHCR, GIZ, and UNFPA-funded projects (Overall Budget). I was responsible for the technical evaluation of the project 2017 oriented at delivering Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) services to Syrian Refugees in four camps in the Governorate of Erbil, Iraq, and for the subsequent design of the project 2018. After I was responsible for the development of the program 2018 and for its implementation: including the writing of guidelines, protocols and SoPs, capacity building and coordinating the human resources (30 professionals).
From June 2013 to July 2017 - ‐ Doctors without border (MSF-OCB and OCA)

  • July 2016-17, Mental Health Activity Manager in the Rehabilitation Centre for Victims of Torture and Sexual Violence, Cairo (Egypt).
  • August 2015 - March 2016, Flying Mental Health Officer, South Kivu (DRC).
  • October - December 2014, Mental Health Activity Manager, Monrovia (Liberia)
  • January - April 2014. Mental Health Activity Manager Sofia (Bulgaria)
  • June - December 2013 Mental Health Officer Maban, Blue Nile State (South Sudan)

I acquired knowledge of the central and West African contexts, but also the Middle East and the Maghreb. I was involved in projects directed at refugees (Syrian, Somali, Ethiopian, Eritrean, and Sudanese), and for rehabilitation of victims of mass violence, torture and disaster, including SGBV and sexual violence programs. I was also involved in programs concerning large epidemics, namely HIV/TB and Ebola.
I have acquired expertise in need assessment, project design, implementation, staff management (including selection, and acquisition) and capacity building. In all the projects I worked, I was in charge of the development of technical material (protocols, guidelines and SoPs).

Highlights and achievements: I drafted the counselling protocol for the switch of care (2nd line of treatment) in the protocols for HIV, tuberculosis and hepatitis; I collaborated on a research that was published by Doctors Without Borders: Psychological suffering among Ebola Virus Disease survivors in Monrovia, Liberia, 2014-2015 MSF Scientific Days, London

From March 2008 to December 2009 - Roberto Cavalli SpA - Osmannoro, Firenze (Italy) - Human Resource Specialist industrial relation and union agreements - In charge of the development of company regulations and the trade union agreement and negotiation.

Dott. Isacco Ciofi Baffoni - Psicologo clinico e Psicoterapeuta ad orientamento Gestaltico a Firenze

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